Back to the story: It was December 7th, which if you know your US history you might remember it's the day we went into WW II. Talk about romantic, right? The same day that WWII began? At least its memorable. Now, Rabbit is not very good at surprises and he was just like a kid in a candy shop, super excited and super antsy. He said to me: "Babe, I love you and I want to give you your Christmas present early." I, of course, wanted to wait until Christmas Day to get my gift, but like I said before— he really couldn't wait. He said " You have three choices: a Wii, a bicycle, or... here it comes an engagement ring!".
For a moment, I was in shock. I had an idea it was coming. (Many of my friends knew this as well). But, when & how was always the question— and I just don't know if there is any way to surprise me, REALLY. And then, you give me the choice between a Wii and a ring, really? I absolutely said "A RING, A RING" and then retracted and said "All 3, All 3". Sadly, I didn't get all three.
We got in the car, drove to union square, parked and then here comes the best part— it HAILED. That was the most romantic part of the whole day, s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y. As we jaywalked across the street, from the Union Square to Tiffany's, it literally hailed on our heads, how sweet. We (he) didn't purchase the ring at Tiffany's, we actually went down the street to DeBeers because we liked the matching options best:)
So that's my very un-romantic story, but so, totally, US and that's what I love— that's what I love about him. He's just Rabbit!
We did it backwards, we bought the wedding band first, but its so simple and beautiful & I love it. You may remember my latest post on my heirloom.The thought crossed my mind of using the ruby ring that was my great-grandmothers'. But, I don't want to ruin it— my great grandmother was so tiny (only fits my pinky) and I'd rather wear the gorgeous ring around my neck. I might replicate the setting, we will see— the possibilities are endless!
Hope you enjoyed my little love story.

Aww Christina I am so happy for you guys!!!! Luv u lady!! Congratulations again:)xoxo